
 Last update 4/21/2020 to add some effects! Version 2.0.2

 Win,Mac,WebGL - Destroy viruses, develop a vaccine, save the world! 

Covid19 Destroyer is a game inspired by classic arcade games such as Centipede. There are different colors of viruses with different paths and abilities, as well as obstacles that prevent you from shooting through them.  You are only able to move in the bottom 1/4th of the screen area.  You shoot lasers upwards and try to destroy as many viruses as you can in order to move on to the next level, which will be faster and more difficult than the last. Each level represents one country that you can eradicate the virus from. 

Made for the #CoronaVirusGameJam


Shoot with the space bar or X button on your controller. Move using the joystick or arrow keys.

Enemies and Powerups

There are several different colors of coronaviruses in the game with different attack patterns. Some follow a set path, and others respond to your movement. Some will be defeated with one shot, for others, it may take three, or they will split into smaller viruses when you shoot them. In later levels, some heart-shaped powerups may appear randomly.

The purple bars will prevent you from shooting through them to hit viruses. The green bars also prevent lasers from passing through them, but you can destroy them with enough shots. Some viruses drop these green bars to impede your attacks.


Q: Why make a game about this?

A: Because there was a game jam! And more importantly, what's a better self-isolation activity than programming games? If it's possible for some positive things to come out of all this, then that's a good thing.

Q: Why did you include these countries and not others? Why the order of the levels?

A: I looked at a list of the countries that currently had the highest infection rates as I was making this. The sequence of countries is pretty much random, though.

Q: How was it made?

A: I used Unity to make the game. I am still learning and have  a long way to go, but this seemed like a good way to practice. It was going to be a puzzle game but then I was watching videos about the best Atari games on YouTube, and became nostalgic for Centipede.

WebGL version

WebGL version:


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